Thursday, December 31, 2009
Dec 31st

Friday, December 25, 2009
December 25th

You begin to see Christmas decorations and advertisements around, say October. That’s when you begin to think about gifts, time off, family, menu plan, etc... Not that you do anything about it, you’ve got plenty of time! All of a sudden it’s next week. How does that happen!!?? Christmas seems to sneak up on you then in a flash it’s gone. Well here we are; hours, even days of anticipation, an explosion of ribbon and paper and its over. Everyone here has a Christmas hangover right now. No drink involved, just too much thought, to much too wrap, too much to cook, too much to clean, does so and so like their gift, what do I do with the fruit cake so and so gave me…
It’s all worth it for me. I love my family to pieces; I absolutely love buying gifts for them and my joy is seeing their faces when they open them. Unfortunately Kyes too young to LOVE what we got him. It’s a strange thing to unwrap the gift that you wrapped the night before. Another new mom observation. I can’t wait until his face lights up with delight when he sees what ‘Santa” brought him.
Christmas was a success and I’m sad to see it pass so quickly.
Actually….we get to do this again on Saturday! YeahhhhhhhhhhThursday, December 24, 2009
Thur Dec 24th
Looks like he's trying to blend in!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Thur Dec 17

Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sunday Dec 13
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wed dec 10th
Hi my name is Kye, I like to blow bubbles, take long naps in the afternoon and chat on my rattle phone…
This is the second week he’s been going to Grammy’s in the evening. Grammy’s enjoying the absolute crap out of having him there. It’s going to take some time to iron out a routine for Mom, Dad, and Grammy…and Kye. See Kye, like him Momma, does not like to be woke up. So when we go get him in the evenings we’re trying to figure out the best possible way to allow our little angel to sleep through the whole ordeal. Putting him in his car seat at bedtime seemed to work until we got him home and had to remove him from said car seat. A fit ensued, followed by a 11pm bottle, a very tired Daddy and resulting in a baby who, besides breakfast, slept most of the next day. So last night we tried his bed but Grammy said he wasn’t having any of it so in the swing he went, that seemed to work ok. We got him home and with a little effort got him into bed without major incident. He was a very restless baby throughout the night though…not sure if our half-waking him had anything to do with it or not. Anyway I’m anxious to see how he does if we put him to bed at Grammys. I think if he gets into a deep enough sleep before we get there he’ll stay asleep.
So far that’s the news around here…Oh wait they came and got the monitors yesterday! Oh happy day! His room looks like a baby’s room not a hospital room. It was comforting to have them but, I’m happy to see them go.
That’s it for now. Kye’s doing awesome. He has a doctors appointment next Friday so we’ll know his weight then….I think it’s around 12 pounds.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Friday Dec 4th

Look'n spiffy

Oh Grandpa I love you, now make that face again!!!

What better place to be then Grandma's shoulder....

My very own FAMILY! Who knew this would be so flipp'n awesome! My boys are the greatest..and right here...in this picture...at that particular moment, they both smell wonderful!!

This boy is pimp'n!!

Not sure when this was but I like it so here it is..
Oh my Uncle David!!