First thanksgiving!!!
He had two Thanksgivings this year and so he had two First bibs...but I can't find a picture of him wearing the one from Aunt Linda and Aunt Paulette! So sad because it's super uber cute!!! It's not on my camera. I don't know who's camera took the little Booger modeling it but, if your out there will you email it to me??
Boy does time swiftly slip by these days..(say 'swiftly slip' fast 5 times! ha funny stuff) Before I knew it 2 weeks past and I haven't posted anything! So here are a few pictures from Kye's Thanksgiving holiday. This one is hands down my favorite picture! Awww make you wanna kiss his chubby little cheeks doesn't it!! Daddy and I did just that today, he got one cheek and I got the other. We attacked them over and over again, Kye didn't know what hit'm!
He loves his Grammy!!!

Look'n spiffy

Oh Grandpa I love you, now make that face again!!!

What better place to be then Grandma's shoulder....

My very own FAMILY! Who knew this would be so flipp'n awesome! My boys are the greatest..and right this that particular moment, they both smell wonderful!!

Look'n spiffy

Oh Grandpa I love you, now make that face again!!!

What better place to be then Grandma's shoulder....

My very own FAMILY! Who knew this would be so flipp'n awesome! My boys are the greatest..and right this that particular moment, they both smell wonderful!!

Oh look'it . Sit'n on Daddy's lap...both of'm! 
This boy is pimp'n!!

Not sure when this was but I like it so here it is..
Oh my Uncle David!!

This boy is pimp'n!!

Not sure when this was but I like it so here it is..
All is well with our little Booger Butt. He's eating about 5oz at a time, he's sleeping from 8ish till 5-6am and poop'n like a champ. He weighs about 11.5 lbs I'd say. His next appointment it at the end of this month so we'll see for sure then. He's so much fun I can't even tell you. He's giggling and cooing, he believes he's saying really important things too, you can see it in his eyes! He just looks at you with those eyebrows furrowed, his eyes narrow slightly, one might even close a little, he cocks his head, puckers his lips and out comes 'ftioooooppbth' and a bubble or two! He's very proud of himself! His hands come together and a satisfied smile sweeps over his face, it's awesome!
Oh my Uncle David!!

I don't think he could be any cuter!!!!