Thursday, June 10, 2010

June 10 2010

Oh My how far we've come... With his birthday right around the corner I thought this appropriate!! Most of you remember our little monkey forcing his way into this world weighing in at a whopping 2.9 pounds. You can see on his face he realizes his mistake and wishes he could cuddle a little longer in his nice warm womb...too late little boy, we've got'cha now!!!

Anyway the pic on the right was taken yesterday, June 9th. Just look at what a year (almost) an do!

Oh and yes it's the same monkey...and the same baby.
By the way, that monkey is 10inches long, just to put things in perspective.

Daddy and his boy at the pool...Mama was a freak with the sunblock! I don't know if you can see the white streaks on his little head but, that's caked on lotion. I think I was getting on Grandma's nervous with the constant slathering! I wanted to walk around shading him! Ha

This kiddo is a huge fan of the pool, his favorite though is when Grandma's got him!

He's a happy boy in the bath too!!Here's an update............

Kye weighs 16.5 pounds and he's a little over 26 in long. His length and head circumference are within average range. His weight is still on the low side but, he's gaining steady so nothing to worry about. We went to see the pulmonologist this past Monday and things are different yet again! Now they don't think his diaphragm is paralysed....*sigh* he grows and we see things develop his diagnosis (or lack there of) changes. Taking into consideration the smaller size of the right pec muscle, chest wall and lung he believes that the diaphragm is elevated as a result of the smaller lung. So no surgery! Yeaaa! It's slight enough not to hinder him much as he grows. Of course this is NOW, who knows what they'll say at out next visit. We could do an exploratory surgery to verify the cause of the elevated diaphragm but, when I asked him what we would do with the information we gathered he basically said nothing at this point. There are a few other things it could be, a hernia so deep into the diaphragm that you can't see it with xray or ultrasound or a thin spot on the diaphragm. More then likely it's just part of this mysterious right anomaly. I don't see a good enough reason to cut him at this point. I don't need to know why if it can't be fixed. We are going to do a CAT scan in early July. He's bigger now so they may be able to actually whats going on...maybe, possibly, there's a chance that...blah blah blah! The Boy is developing physically and mentally just fine, if you didn't know he had an issue you wouldn't be able to tell so I'm happy as things are.
Oh nappy time...

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