Saturday, June 27, 2009

I haven't mentioned much about his weight. Just slipped my mind I guess. He lost a little in the first few days after birth, he went down to 2.375. He's now gaining and up to 2.4ish. We'll weigh him again tonight so we'll see...
The drop in birth weight is pretty normal for any newborn, so nothing to be concerned about.
He's doing really great, doing everything he should be to move forward. His breathing is still good and his oxygen saturation is still holding steady with no dips in his heart rate. They may take the other tube off before long. I don't think I explained the saturation level/heart rate correlation yet...Since he's so young he forgets to breathe, when that happened it's not unheard of for preemies to forget for so long thst their heart rate drops. For him normal is 145 or so. They have an alarm set to go off if it drops to 70. Yesterday his alarm went off 3 times. Don't freak out, he corrected it on his own before if became dangerous. Completly normal! If you think about it he's not suppose to be doing any of this yet, I'm suppose to be doing it for him. He's should be concentrating on gaining wreight and that all. But he was in such a rush to get here!! Now he's gotta work a little harder! Anyway, today he's had no incident's. If he continues that they'll remove the tube. The monitors will still be hooked up and the alarm will be set higher.
Last night he had a little of the green stuff from his stomach. It was much better then before but, still there. They did an x-ray to see if there was a problem, there wasn't except he needed to poo! The doctor explained it to me like this, fully developed babies have 'contractions' that push things (poo) in the right direction. His are not strong enough to push the poo that was left from before birth-a very sticky, dense substance. So they gave him glycerin (poo making stuff) and he gave a gloriously huge poo this morning:) Hopefully his little body will push the poo now! Heard enough about poo yet??
So the doc didn't order any changes for tonight, he said tomorrow they'll bump up his food (boob juice) and lower his IV nutrition intake. All good things! The nurse said he would probably be the next to go the South side..HOLLA!! Can I hear a 'Hell yea!'?

Here's a few pictures... Daddy saying goodnight last night. He gets to give him a bath (AKA wipe down) and kangaroo with him tonight.

And here's a picture of me the last time I kangarooed...


  1. Aw, Maria, I'm glad he's doing well!! Give him a hug from his...second cousin (is that right?)

  2. Yep 2nd cousin but, cousin'll do too! Love you!

  3. Love you too Maria!


  4. Hell ya!!!! way to go Kye!!! Lisa

  5. that's a very lovely picture of you holding him. modern love.

    - alex
