Anyway, today was another good day. Zeke got to do the kangarooing thing…really it’s more or less cuddling! He slept on Daddy’s chest for an hour! I think daddy may have gotten some sleep too. It was awesome! He could hardly contain himself! We decided to go eat first. Zeke was so excited it was like he was racing to the cafeteria and he had this sweet little grin on his face the entire time. I can’t really walk that fast yet so I had to keep reminding him to slow down. If I would have let him I think he would have gone through the halls dancing, skipping, and whistling with a big goofy grin on his face! This was an experience that rates pretty high up there for him I’m sure. I have some pictures but, they’re on my camera and it’s really late. I need to get some sleep I’ll post them later. I am going to add one from the other day. I love this picture but I felt weird putting a full frontal picture of my son on the web so I had it edited! Lol
Here’s my little monkey boy!!

he is soooooooooooo beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! there is nothing in this world that compares to mommy hood!!! angie