"Got my tie on and no pants...perfect going home outfit!!! "
I decided to let Zeke take the wheelchair ride out of the hospital. Mommy's usually do but, of course mommy's usually gave birth just a few days before. I thought I'd let him have the honor!It was funny to watch people stare as we headed toward the exit!

Well everythings going ok, still trying to get in the groove. He's fussy today and his monitors keep going off, it's a little stressful at times..
His xray this morning showed some gas so he's pretty uncomfortable, I'm hoping he'll produce a nice big poo soon. It'll take a little time to mellow out and not freak everytime he cries. Well I'm going to go sit on the couch with my boys... have a good night
how awesome!!! i am so happy for all three of you....and Kye try not to cause too much trouble for mom and dad tonight, though maby I shouldnt say that..cuz from your record you tend to do what you want when you want!