Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tue Sept 29

Man is it difficult to find time to do anything that's not baby related! I can't seem to get online as much as I thought I would. No matter what I do, when he sleeps theres a house to pick up, a phone call to make, a nap to be taken, a dog to feed, a shower to be taken, etc... I always think, "When I get caught up I'll sit down and post something." well it NEVER gets done!! Seriously, when one thing gets finished another thing takes it's place. When the house gets picked up, Kye wakes up and suddenly the house is covered in baby paraphernalia.Grandma Byrd even came to stay with us for the week and I still couldn't keep up! O-well baby smiles make it all worth it! I mean look at him! I could just eat him up!!!
So, I'll just post when I can. No more daily posts people, I can't do it, I'm not a super hero after all.......oh wait I kinda am ;-)

It's been wonderful having Grandma Byrd here. She's been a huge help and most importantly kyes gotten to know his great grandma... Not to mention mommas been able to take a few naps when the little bugger butt didn't see a need her to sleep at night. Grandma byrds been doing a little bit of
spoiling which Kyes has thoroughly enjoyed. It' was awesome to see my little man resting soundly
on grandma byrds shoulder and I don't think she minded either. She's given us lots of baby tips and changed many a diaper! He
finally initiated her the other day with one of his infamous poos! Well not the 'shoot across the room' type but pretty close!
Well, we love you grandma Byrd and we wish you'd stay for...ever?????

Kyes been doing great at home. A few belly issues here and there but nothing too crazy. The other night he was extra fussy so I called the
pediatrician exchange to find out if there was anything I could give him. Wow I will not make that mistake again! After answering questions
like 'Is he in severe abdominal pain, crying as he lifts his legs with
moments of relaxation as he puts his legs down?". To which I answered
" I don't think he's in severe abdominal pain. He is drawing his legs
up as he cries and not relaxing when he puts them down." this
nurse told me that a doctor should see him within an hour! At first I
freaked out then I looked at kye, I had answered so many questions that
he was sound asleep on daddy. I just wanted to know how to help him
poop for crying out loud! Anyway they had the doctor call me who told me I didn't need to go the the ER. I ended up calling one of our NICU nurses (who knows Kye) and she suggested Mylicon. It works wonders. Thanks Danielle.


  1. He's starting to get quite chunky!

  2. He is gorgeous - so happy and contented!! Must be his terrific parents! Enjoy your days with him, you never get them back once they're gone.
    ldjohnson (Steve's mom)
