We've had our first outing! We went to see the pediatrician. It wasn't easy but,we did it!! I think next time will be better, it was total chaos this time around! I was in tears quite a few times. He was fussy and wouldnt eat, I found out later it was because one of his probes was bothering him and I didn't know it. The machines were awkward, the cords were tangled, the mom was klutzy, the pediatricians office was in Clayton (hate driving in Clayton), the receptionist had no clue as to whats around her place of employment and had me driving circles, mom finally gets baby, machines, and some sanity into office but, forgets diaper bag (with checkbook, bink, etc...) in the car.
We got through it though and decide to stop at kaldi's and relax before heading back home. We sat alone on the patio and gave passerby dirty looks as to make ourselves as unapproachable as possible. It was nice to unwind for a minute, after that the day went much more smoothly!
He's 7.6 pounds now! Getting bigger by the minute! The doctor didn't have a lot to say. This was just like a meet and greet. I really like him, he's down to earth, had a sense of humor and spoke to Kye as he was checking him out, very personable guy. He was recommended to me by someone I trust and he has privileges at St. John Mercy, which was very important to us. Anyway, I just had a few minutes...little people sure do demand a lot!!! It's been awesome having him home, by the way! He's sleeping in his own room now and we ended up getting a baby monitor. We didn't think he had enough!
I thinks it's so awesome that you guys are all home together!!!! It does get easier I promise!