Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thur June 25

I'm at the hospital, using their computer so, unfortunately I can't upload any pictures. I wish I could because I have a few cute ones of daddy kangarooing and today I got to do it!!!!! Wow, what a feeling. I usually have to have complete silence to sleep but, with him on my chest I went out without trying! It may have been the best hour of sleep I've had in at least a month. I don't think I've ever felt that good about anything in my life. What a feeling! When they say it's therapeutic, they are not lieing! When I came in to see him today he had squirmed his way half out of his little prop. He had been on his side with a 'roll' behind him to keep him from rolling back. Well his top half was on the other side of the prop on his back while his legs were still in the same position. He was crying and just looked all twisted up. I called the nurse but didn't wait for her to straighten him out. I was pretty bothered by the whole thing. The nurse, which I like a lot, she said he must have just done it because she just took his temp. Seriously he stretched and fell back a little, it just looked bad to me. Plus, they are not near as fragile as we like to think!! Anyway, it was no big deal but, he was pretty upset so I decided to kangaroo him then to see if it would calm him. As soon as I got him situated he was instantly calm...amazing! He did the same thing last night with dad but he was more upset this time. I didn't expect it to be so instant!
More good news! He just got the overhead light turned off! His jaundice is under control! His oxygen is also getting better, they turned it down to 3. His oxygen saturation level (how much his body is maintaining) is at a 21, which is the same air we breath! That's why they are able to turn it down, he doesn't need as much help. If we get to 2 his tube can come off!!! He's eating again, although not completely without the green stuff but it's ok. If he continues this way they'll send him to NICU South, another step in the right direction! There they have private rooms and we can do most of his care. So another good day in the life of Kye!!...and mommy and daddy!!

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